Our Name

The Passaic River winds its way across 90 miles of northern and central New Jersey. Beginning in bucolic Mendham and emptying into the industrial Newark Bay, it is a waterway of dynamic conditions and ecological diversity. From fresh water in its upper reaches through mid-river swamps to a brackish tidal flow at its terminus, the multifaceted Passaic has provided throughout history.

Native Americans profited from its abundant and renewable fish supply. Alexander Hamilton harnessed its muscular might at the falls at Paterson, forging the path to the American Industrial Revolution. Today it is prized for supplying high quality drinking water to its nearby urban populace.

Passaic Partners aims to provide similarly to their customers through their depth and breadth of experience. The course of Passaic Partners’ journey began on the floors of derivative exchanges, flowed through the trading floors of investment banks and has led, finally, to non-traditional investment management, incubators of ideas and innovation.

Passaic Partners encapsulates decades of experience in dynamic markets and avails themselves of a wide variety of financial instruments to best serve each client’s investment objectives.

"Passaic Partners thrives in an ever-changing environment and stills the waters of market turbulence."